Useful Ways to Update Your WordPress Manually Using FTP Client

One reason that makes WordPress touted as a great CMS platform is its ability to automatically automate itself. When some major upgrades needs to be done, then WordPress generates a notification to make the user aware about the update, and user can start the update with a click of a button. But you may overcome a situation wherein you can’t make updates from the WordPress admin panel. And thus, you will need to update WordPress manually via an FTP client.

Gearing Up Your Site for Update

Before initiating any update ascertain to keep a backup of your WordPress files. In case you can’t access the WP admin panel, you can manually backup your WordPress. Subsequent to backup, you will require downloading a new copy of up-to-date WordPress software from the official WP download page –, then save the downloaded software to your computer’s desktop. As soon as the download gets completed extract the zip archive option. For this purpose, you can make use of FTP client application such as Filezilla as it is available at free of charge and works well on operating systems – Windows as well as Mac.

Upload WordPress Files Using FTP

Next step requires connecting to the website via your FTP client. After establishing a connection to your site using FTP client, visit your site’s root directory and upload all the files present within the WordPress folder from your system desktop to the root directory of your site.

In this step your FTP client will initiate files uploading from your computer to your hosting server. Moreover, at the time of update process your FTP client will inquire whether the filename you’re looking for is present in the root directory or not, and will then ask to choose an action. Later, you will need to select the ‘Overwrite’ option and simply click on the box that says “always use this action”, as shown below:

Updating WordPress Database

Any latest WordPress release may introduce some changes into the WordPress database. And you will need to carry out a database update. After downloading all the files to your WP powered site, access your WordPress admin area and you will see a notification showing a message – “database update required”.

As, shown in the image above just click on “Update WordPress Database” button to continue. And WordPress will display a success message following your database update.

Just follow the aforementioned handy steps and you will be able to successfully update your WordPress site manually in accordance to the most advanced version.