HTML5 to Hold the Future for Enterprise Mobility
Mobile technology is driving the mainstream business today for enterprises and in such a scenario the latest technologies are being speedily adopted by the companies. Earlier the websites were designed for desktops alone, but with advancing usage of smartphones and tablets responsive designs of web have become crucial for the websites. The enterprise mobility was long lagging behind in the responsive web technology. Now the time has changed with the business shifting their focus steadily towards responsive web and HTML5.
HTML5 is the betterment over HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. It supports a number of browsers and hence is increasingly becoming the first choice of web designers. HTML5 comes bundled with many new features like various attributes and tags for drag and drop event handlers. Also it is easy to implement, simple and streamlined. Web considers various tags for content present on portals just like there is a structure to a book. HTML5 considers these segments and has been added with tags like <section>, <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <aside> and <figure> to define variable components of the content on a web page.
Role of HTML5 in Enterprise Mobility
The business that a company today obtains is widely through its website and online marketing. Therefore, the website needs to be scalable and responsive so that all devices and browsers support it. HTML5, in this continuing era of increasing mobility is crucial for enterprise mobility solutions because it lends cross platform unity and the capability to reuse features across devices. It is also the most deployed model that can be packaged for any mobile application. HTML5 is also meritorious as it delivers new offline features due to its local storage and the disconnected mode. The content can be updated without having the app store approval.
How is HTML5 better than Native?
Native apps are centered around a singular platform. The current app development revolves around HTML5 being more browser oriented and extensively versatile. HTML5 offers best possible user experience on mobile and is highly productive for enterprises that offer real time updation without waiting for app store approvals. HTML5 is a cross – platform technology being deployed over multiple devices and platforms. Native apps have a shortcoming of using a single platform ( OSX, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android) and also using development tools( Xcode and Objective-c with iOS or OS X, Eclipse and Java with Android) that come along with that respective platform.
Pros and Cons related to HTML5 :
There are many merits and demerits associated with HTML5. Enterprise must plan the app development as per their business strategy. HTML5 allows development of those applications that can ascertain itself to all screen sizes and other aspect ratios. Also these applications have higher contextual capabilities of GPS, camera and accelerometers. Other advantages of using HTML5 are :
- Applications can be viewed on browsers and used as local web applications.
- Monetization and distribution channels used can be same as that of native apps.
- Apps run on full screen mode.
- The basic code can be altered to work with various devices.
- One time exchange integration enable applications to work in similar fashion on all platforms.
There are several disadvantages related to HTML5 that can be challenging to the app developers. These issues are:
- HTML5 is not totally a cross platform technology.
- Difference in the platform runtimes can make it difficult to develop cross platform apps.
- Sometimes there are discrepancies while implying CSS attributes, HTML tags and Javascript APls.
- Using large volumes of data can be difficult to maintain.
- Also delivery of app may take time as developers have to code for each platform.
Enterprise mobility needs to evolve at a faster pace so that the workflows can streamline with the legacy processes. For this, proficient apps need to be developed using adaptive designs that cater to overall business needs. Enterprise mobility was slow paced earlier but gradually it is coming to mainstream app development through the latest technology of HTML5 app development. Many pros and cons come handy with HTML5 app development but with the web getting responsive, HTML5 has surely taken the world of app development with storm. What further anticipated is, enhanced and effective implementation of available resources and technologies to ensure foolproof mobility solutions.