Ning: Re-Socializing People Via Custom Social Networks
Being social is tough, isn’t it? It makes us give more to our networks and an expectation of monitory return rises. But, goes unheard, especially when you fly with Facebook and LinkedIn.
You might have created your community group at Facebook or LinkedIn. You will also be deploying hell lot of time in that. But do you really get anything in return of your time investment? It is a question of grave concern because every single minute is important for you. And, you have the right to make the most from your time investment. Now, you will say that you are not running that groups because of money. Ohh! c’mon, it does not justify. You may be doing philanthropy by investing your time in that. The same you can do on any other website. But, you should think of a tool which can make money to strengthen your philanthropic activities.
So, here is an interesting solution. You can try “Ning” to create your custom social network. This is an old phenomenon. In past, when Facebook & twitter was not here, people used to create small groups in their villages, towns, and cities to discuss about contemporary issues and take needful actions for the eradication of inappropriate subjects for a flourishing society. They used to communicate via letters and help each other in growing further in individual lives. Post arrival of Facebook, the things changed. Now, social networks are less social. Now, the personal touch has disappeared and group walls have become the places of useless rants.
So, Ning is an online platform to create custom social networks, which supports all the features that Facebook & Twitter does. Moreover, it gives the famous “Like” button to its users. The most important factor about Ning using social networks is its capability of Google adsense. The users can make money to give a real touch to their group by arranging discussion camps and seminars.
You will not have to handle the hurdle of designing. You can simply take help of its library of pre-designed templates. The templates are supportive to HTML5. Hence, you do not need to get native apps for your website.
You must be waiting for the ways how you can make money with your Ning network. Here it is. You can charge your members, moderators, administrators to keep controlling the network. So, everything is in your hands. Now, go and fulfill your social networking dreams.